Nearly every one of Bayonetta's attacks involves her getting half-naked. That's a pretty good deal right there. Platinum Games didn't want to stop though. So they introduced outfits that Bayonetta can change into. We've seen the witch skirt, the schoolgirl gym uniform, now we see more.New costumes includes a two-piece swimsuit, a cheerleading outfit and even traditional Japanese woman's clothing.
Aproape toate din atacurile Bayonetta implica putina nuditate ^_^ . Platinum Games nu sau oprit aici , asadar au introdus diferite costume in care Bayonetta se poate schimba . Am vazut camasa de vrajitoare , uniforma de scolarita si acum mult mai multe .
In costumele noi sunt : un costum de baie , un costume de majoreta precum si un costum traditional .
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