Blur is a new racing game just like mario cart but with real life cars , the graphics look bad for 2010 game , i maxed out the game, look at the antialiasing , my first impressions of this game are not so good , there are a lot of setbacks with this game , but there are good things to , the 4 split screen mode is good but try it on pc ? 2 friends on keyboard , 2 with gamepads ? I prefer 2 player split screen.
Ro: Blur e un joc nou gen mario cart numai ca are masini reale ( majoritatea le vezi zi de zi pe strada ) la grafica jocul are de probleme cu antialiasing , imi place ca poti schimba masina inainte de o cursa sau daca dai restart ( daca avea si Split Second optiunea asta era de nota 10 ) , imi place optiunea 4 split screen players dar 2 split screen players e suficient . Revin cu alte pareri dupa joc mai mult ^_^ orcum nu se compara cu Split Second
Split Second Velocity Split Screen Fun
Posted by
on Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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I`m glad the developers made a split screen option ( horizontal , vertical ) it`s fun to play with a frend but note the fps may drop .
Ro: Optiunea split screen e destul de interesanta , poti alege sa joci vertical sau oriziontal , toate optiunile din single player sunt si in split screen : race , detonation , survival , air strike etc . Din pacate jocul merge un pic mai greu daca joci split screen , nu e ceva major dar daca lasi fraps pornit vei vedea o scadere in anumite momente cand sunt multe explozii .
Ro: Optiunea split screen e destul de interesanta , poti alege sa joci vertical sau oriziontal , toate optiunile din single player sunt si in split screen : race , detonation , survival , air strike etc . Din pacate jocul merge un pic mai greu daca joci split screen , nu e ceva major dar daca lasi fraps pornit vei vedea o scadere in anumite momente cand sunt multe explozii .